Kerrville to Pedernales Falls State Park – April 14
It was cool and cloudy this morning. I got on the road before 8 am with 4 other riders. After riding back through the town of Kerville, we headed north on a series of quiet […]
It was cool and cloudy this morning. I got on the road before 8 am with 4 other riders. After riding back through the town of Kerville, we headed north on a series of quiet […]
Hunt TX. Halfway mark in my across USA ride. An intense thunder storm passed through the area last night. It started after 10:30 and woke me up just after I had fallen to sleep. […]
It rained lightly overnight but stopped just long enough in the morning for us to make our lunches and eat breakfast. I got on the road around 8 am with 3 of the other riders. […]
Camping behind a saloon on a Friday night can result in a night with little sleep. I heard 2 sets of music by the rock band before drifting to sleep only to be awakened by […]
We woke up to a partly cloudy day with brisk winds from an easterly direction that would make for some tough riding against a headwind. The weather forecast indicated that the winds would change to […]
I left Sanderson with two other riders just before 8am. The weather forecast was calling for a high of 89 F so we wanted to get as many miles in as we could before the […]
Camping at an RV Park across from railways tracks can make for a long night. It seemed like every 2 hours a freight train went by during the night. Because the RV Park was near […]
I had a good rest day in Fort Davis yesterday. It was nice to be back staying at the Stone Village Tourist Camp again. I spent a few nights there last November before riding the […]
A few miles west of Fort Davis I set out on the road with three other cyclists before 8am. For the first 22 miles we followed an unsigned frontage road that ran adjacent to I-10. […]
This was a tough day of riding. We faced a strong headwind all day for 75 miles. For a time in the morning, a group of six of us cycled together but as the wind […]
I set out with one of the other riders just before 8am. Luckily it was Good Friday and the busy traffic on Mesa St. from yesterday was not there. We headed south on Mesa and […]
I left the KOA in Las Cruces before 8am with another one of the cyclists. We cycled about 4 miles and stopped at The Bean Cafe and Expresso Bar at the corner of SR 359 […]
I got on the road with another cyclist just before 8am. After leaving Arrey on SR 87, we passed through the small towns of Derry, Garfield and Salem within the first 14 miles. Along the way […]
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