After a week of riding on paved bike trails and busy roads in Oro Valley, it was nice to start my cycling tour with Adventure Cycling. On the first day we rode 80km from south Tucson to the small town of Patagonia. It was a nice ride on mostly quiet roads with about 3400 feet of climbing. We camped at the City Park in the small town of Patagonia across from the town saloon. Overnight the temperatures dipped below freezing and most of us had a cold night in our tents.
This morning I got on the road at 7:30am and rode 92km to Tombstone. When I left Patagonia it was just above freezing and when I arrived in Tombstone around noon it was about 27c. There was abound 2400 feet of climbing today. I stopped a number of time to shed layers of clothing and rode at a leisurely pace.
After arriving in Tombstone and taking a quick shower, I visited the Boot Hill Grave Yard.
Tomorrow we ride to Bisbee.