Oro Valley to Tucson
It was short 30 mile ride from Oro Valley to my hotel near the Tucson airport today. I had planned to spend the day in Oro Valley but when I saw the weather forecast and […]
It was short 30 mile ride from Oro Valley to my hotel near the Tucson airport today. I had planned to spend the day in Oro Valley but when I saw the weather forecast and […]
I spent the morning cycling on the bike paths from Oro Valley to Tucson and back. Because it was a Saturday morning, there were lots of cyclists and runners on the path. This lady […]
A storm passed through last night. The wind gusts were quite strong and it rained lightly. Luckily I had set my tent up under a sun shelter and that helped to keep me dry. […]
I woke up to a cloudy sky and cooler temperatures today. The high temperature for the day was forecast to be in the mid 80s. It was nice to have a break from the heat […]
I had originally planned to ride to Picacho State Park, north of Tucson today but changed my plan when I saw the weather forecast. They were calling for a high of 98 Fahrenheit or […]
I took a break today. In the morning I walked to Wallmart to pick up a few supplies and REI to buy fuel for my camp stove. At REI I also purchased a pair of […]
For the last 3 days I cycled on and off with a lady from Amsterdam on a 3 month tour of the US. It was nice to have some company. She is a seasoned world […]
I got on the road just after 7 am hoping to find a breakfast spot 8 miles away in Wenden. Unfortunately the restaurant had gone out of business. I was glad I had eaten a granola […]
I got on the road just after 7:15 this morning. After about 2 miles I had to get on the busy I-10 for a while. The shoulders are wide and smooth so cycling on […]
Breakfast of champions. Instant oatmeal and coffee. I got on the road just after 8am this morning. For the first 14 miles I travelled on flat terrain through farmland. The traffic was light and the […]
I got on the road at 7:15 on March 31. As I headed eastward, I rode through farmland for the first 14 miles or so. Irrigation ditches followed the road for miles. The elevation increased […]
Today’s ride was 62 miles. I left Jacumba Hot Springs just after 8am this morning. It rained earlier in the morning and I wanted to wait until the pavement was dry before I started descending […]
It was a short 13 mile ride to Jacumba Hot Springs. The weather forecast was calling for a return of the dangerous winds that hit the area yesterday and all last night. I didn’t want […]
Today’s ride was 36 miles and involved a fair bit of climbing. After setting up my tent at the RV park, the manager kindly moved me to a small cabin because of a high wind warning and […]
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