After getting a ride across the International Bridge at Sault Ste. Marie, I was on my way at 08:50 on Wednesday morning. I passed through Brimley, located on Whitefish Bay and Bay Mills. After riding about 20 miles I stopped for a coffee at the Dancing Crane Coffee House. A few miles later I stopped at the Point Iroquois Light Station. The lighthouse was built in 1870. I decided to save my legs for cycling so I did not bother climbing the 72 steps of the spiral staircase to the top of the 65 foot tower. The ride along the lake shore of Whitefish Bay was pleasant and scenic. Vehicle traffic was light. After turning on to M-123 the traffic levels picked up but the road had a smooth paved shoulder that was good for cycling. I passed through the small town of Paradise after about 58 miles of riding. I arrived at the Lower Falls Campground of Tahquamenon Falls State Park just before 3pm after 69 miles of cycling.