We got on the road around 8am today under clear skies. The thunderstorms from last night have passed by and the sky is clear and the humidity is much lower. After about 20 miles we stopped in New Waverly for coffee and something to eat. They are doing some re paving on SR 150 so we had to ride several miles on rough road and gravel. After that we had several miles of a newly paved, smooth road surface. There were several section of colourful wildflowers along the shoulders of the road.
We arrived at the Double Lake Recreation Area, a USFS campground just after 12:30. Today’s ride was fairly easy and covered a distance of 50 miles.
I took advantage of the short day and washed my bike and degreased and lubed the chain.
The campground was more like a campground back home in Ontario, with shade trees and forest trails.