Breakfast of champions. Instant oatmeal and coffee.
I got on the road just after 8am this morning. For the first 14 miles I travelled on flat terrain through farmland. The traffic was light and the pavement was smooth.
In Blythe I stopped at a coffee shop and filled up on bacon and eggs, toast and home fries. A few cups of coffee provided the octane I needed for the rest of the morning.
There was a pedestrian walkway along the bridge that spans the Colorado River. One across the bridge I was in Arizona. I rode on the busy I-10 for about 10 miles. There were two long steady climbs on this section of highway. There was a heavy volume of traffic but I felt quite safe because of the wide shoulders.
I exited I-10 on at Dome Rock Road and cruised comfortably for more than 10 miles in to Quartzsite and the Super 8 hotel.
I rode with a cyclist from Amsterdam today. She’s planning to head north in a few days when I head south.
Today’s ride was 42 miles.