Today the Rio Grande was on my left as I rode from Lajitas to Presidio. Mexico was across the river. It was foggy when I started out this morning but within an hour or so the fog burned off and I was on sunshine and a temperature of about 16 most of the day. There was The 4,600 feet of climbing today. The toughest climb started at the 13 mile mark when the 1 mile climb up La Cuesta began. The climb top out with a 15% grade. The remainder of the day consisted of riding the rolling topography to Presidio. A few miles before town I had the opportunity to sprint for several thousand feet as two means dogs chased me. I covered 50 miles today.
Today’s ride was on Farm to Market Road 170. Farm to Market Road 170 is a 114.6-mile (184.4 km) highway. The route, known locally as the River Road, runs along the United States side of the Rio Grande which in Texas forms the international boundary between the U.S. and Mexico. Presidio is on the opposite side of the U.S.-Mexico border from Ojinaga, Chihuahua. The population is about 4,400 and the elevation of the town is 4,426 feet.
Just finished climbing La Cuesta on the River Road. 1 mile climb with 15% grade along the way.
Lots of rollers on this stretch of road.