It was cool and clear when I departed at 8 am. The temperature was about 10c. The 6 miles along Old Highway 80 passed by quickly although there was a bit of elevation to overcome.
Once I entered the Interstate Highway it was all downhill for almost 10 miles as I descended from just over 3000 feet of elevation. The highway was smooth and I used the breaks a lot to keep from going to fast with this loaded bike.
Once I reached the desert I stopped to remove my jacket, sweater and long pants. The temperature was about 20c just after 9am.
East of Ocotillo there is a 15 mile section of road that is one of the worst I’ve ridden on. Lots of cracks, pot holes and bumps. It’s called the Evan Hewes Highway. Not a very good tribute to him.
As I passed through Seeley, El Centro and Brawley I entered farming country. Lots of flat land and irrigation. The temperature rose to 28c and I slowed my pace a little and made several short stops to hydrate.
I arrived in Brawley at 2 pm after riding 60 miles. I checked in to a Best Western and showered up and did some laundry before heading out for a walk and grabbing some diner at a Chinese restaurant.
Tomorrow’s ride will be a little longer so I’ll get an early start for Palo Verde. I probably won’t have wifi there.