After a quick breakfast of cereal and coffee, I packed my lunch and got on the road at 07:30. The sun had just come up and the wind was light. After about 6 miles it was mostly downhill for the next 10 or so miles. The riding was good and the traffic was light. The wind started to pick-up as I approached the town of Alpine after 20 miles and it turned in to a strong headwind. I wanted to keep going before the wind got stronger later in the morning so I didn’t bother stopping in Alpine. About 5 miles out of Alpine I stopped for a sandwich at a picnic area on the side of the hightway. The headwind was was steady and over 30km/hr for the next 15 miles or so. After about 40 miles the highway descended towards Marathon and as I approached town the wind started lighten up a bit. I arrived at the Marathon Motel and RV Park at noon after riding 54 miles. Marathon is a small town with a population of under 450 people and it is located at an elevation of 4,055 feet.
After setting up my tent and taking a quick shower, I walked to town with another cyclist for a coffee at a diner. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing around camp. After dinner there was a light shower or two. The forecast calls for showers tomorrow and cooler weather.