After a long flight, I arrived at the San Diego airport at 10 pm (1am Ontario time) last night. By the time I picked up my bags and took a taxi to my hotel it was after 11 pm local time.
After a rather short sleep, I took a taxi to a shopping plaza to purchase some groceries, camp stove fuel and other supplies. After that I walked about 5 km to Bernie’s Bicycle Shop to pick up my bike. I shipped my bike there for assembly a week ago. From the bike shop, it was a short ride to Ocean Beach Park. After watching the crashing waves and the people and dogs on the beach for a short while, I got on the Ocean Beach bike path and rode about 10 km to my hotel. After arriving at my hotel, I spent some time getting my bike and gear ready for tomorrow’s ride. It was a nice day with temperatures in the mid 60s and a brisk westerly wind.
Ocean Beach Bike Path